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Net Neutrality

          Innovation is the reason why Internet Technology industry becomes powerful and competitive, and Net Neutrality ensures the fair policy that every companies will be treated with equal internet speed. However, ISPs decides to abandon such significant internet policy. Indeed, such abrogation will benefit not only Internet providers, but also some large companies such as Facebook and Netflix. Therefore, there will be less competition among internet industry, as well as less fresh blood in it. If an innovative industry becomes less creative and productive, a state of stagnancy will be the result. The principle of internet is sharing. Users share the resources, share the knowledge, and share their dream to the whole world. No one nor organization should have the power and the authority to impede other’s dream. Protecting Net Neutrality will not benefit normal people a lot, but this is the responsibility that every internet user should take to protect and encourage the internet development.


Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality
